a perpetual work in progress

When we see everyone as

life can feel so liberating.

Hello, my name is Ro.

I am so happy that you are here. I am an Astrologer and Human Design Analyst with a passion for empowering people to tune inward and find themselves again. I do not have all the answers (as I am a work-in-progress myself) but I hope to offer introspective tools to aide others in self-reflection, the way they’ve aided me on my path. I believe that by drawing awareness to your gifts and challenges you can better understand the light you are meant to shine in the world. In doing so, it is easier to move forward with grace (for yourself and others) knowing each of us is uniquely designed to fulfill different purposes in this lifetime.

Before we get started, some things to consider:

Contemplation Takes Time

…and patience! As validating as reading your custom report can be, it’s important to acknowledge that this is not a “quick-fix” to finding yourself. The truth is, Human Design is a complex system, with an entirely unique language that can be infinitely contemplated. It takes time to absorb the information before you truly feel a shift, so trust is in the process also required.

It’s All in the Experimenting

When you get your report, there is a surge of information that is so empowering, and possibly overwhelming. With so much new terminology, it’ll take time to discern what it means to you, but if you can focus on honoring your Strategy + Authority in the meantime, everything else will fall into place naturally. This can only happen with experience and practice, so be patient with yourself as you experiment with your new tools.

It’s Up To You

The point of Human Design is to emphasize the power of your self-sovereignty, not rob you of it. While the Body Graph addresses certain energies and gifts that were imprinted on your form when you were born, you still always have the power of choice. It’s our choices that steer the direction of our lives, and your report simply highlights certain skills or talents that can aide you in navigating life with less resistance.

Human design is a complex system that integrates the ancient observational systems of Astrology, The Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, the Tree of Life from Kabbalist Tradition, as well as the modern sciences of Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics, and Biochemistry (whew!) to generate a bodygraph chart that depicts your aura (or energy type) and the gifts imprinted in you. Drawing awareness to these qualities is designed to aide in living a life with less resistance.

Human Design

The Way I See It

This was my first love language with the Cosmos and holds a special place in my heart. I find that being aware of the foundations of Astrology and correlating the archetypes of both systems has helped me better understand Human Design. While Human Design is more specific and nuanced, I still deeply value Astrology as a tool for introspection – especially considering the Bodygraph is the quantum chart composed of two “birth charts” (your personality chart, and your design chart).


It’s up to you.