Hello Gemini Season!

Gemini season is truly one of my favorites of the year. As a Gemini Sun AND Moon I may be biased.. but STILL. It’s such a fun, bright, colorful time.

One of my favorite things to do is compare the information of different modalities, particularly astrology and human design. Each gate in Human Design corresponds to a piece of the zodiac wheel, which means each Astrological Season, the sun moves through and activates certain parts of our bodygraph, regardless of it’s activation in your chart!

As you can see in the image above and below, 7/11 of the gates in the throat center correlate to Gemini season. So it’s really no wonder the connection can be drawn between this sign and communication.

Stay tuned for the coming transit posts, I’ll be sharing my insights as the sun moves through each of the signs moving forward! We’ll be kicking it off with Gate 35 :)


Gate 35: The Gate of Change – Progress