
My name is Ro. 

I am a mom, maker, and a perpetual work-in-progress (as I believe we all are). I have leaned on Human Design and Astrology as introspective tools for years, and they have changed my life in so many unexpected & beautiful ways.

My family is my whole world! Everything I do is for them.

I have spent my free time studying the ins and outs of both Astrology and Human Design, and consistently find that there is always more to learn! My favorite thing about participating in my Human Design experiment, is that every time I look at my chart there is something new that resonates – or perhaps something familiar that resonates in a new way. Regardless, it allows cause for pause, where I can contemplate the different aspects of my Bodygraph, and how I am showing up in the world.

It’s an ever-evolving process which has empowered me to find myself again, and I hope my humble offerings can guide you through your experiment!

My Design

I am a 2/4 Self-Projected Projector – RAX of Rulership 2

Want to know what your Bodygraph looks like?

Check out the free bodygraph Generator linked below!

  • Human Design is a compex system that combines ancient and modern practices. It was created to aide you in living a life with less resistance. Learn more.

  • Human Design can help you by highlighting gifts and challenges you may face, how energy flows through your body, and the strategy best suited to make decisions so that you may live a life with more ease. Learn More.

  • You can generate your custom Bodygraph for FREE here.

  • I have many offerings empowering you to read about Astrology/ HumanDesign at your own leisure.

    I also have a Resources page that can connect you to some of the brilliant minds that guided my experiments along the way!

    However, if you’d like a breakdown of the information that is specific to you, I encourage you to explore the Offerings section of my website, where you can invest in a fully customized report breaking down your specific aura, gifts, and more.