Hello! My name is Ro.

I am a mom, maker, and a perpetual work-in-progress (as I believe we all are). I have leaned on Human Design and Astrology as introspective tools for years, and they have changed my life in so many unexpected & beautiful ways.

Over the past 6 years I have spent my free-time studying the ins and outs of both Human Design & Astrology, and consistently find that there is always more to learn! It’s an ever-evolving process which has empowered me to find myself again.

Here is my story. ♥

How did I get here?

My Mom + I

I am the middle child in a large, very blended family. I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona (where I live now) but have always a long-distance love for the Pacific Coast, where I was born. I was always shy, observant, and rarely wanted to cause any trouble, but when I was around my family I was able to be my charismatic self. I loved creating, reading, and learning in (and out of) school. I was never into sports, but I did have a hobby that trumped all others: photography.

Growing up, photography was my first love. Whether it was my parents’ old film cameras or janky cellphone cameras, if it took a picture, I was obsessed. There was something about photography that allowed me to show the world how I saw it, without having to say anything. I could be shy, observe, and create all at once.

Graduation day with my brothers & sister :)

I graduated from ASU in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication Design. It was a long four years and as much as I loved it, there was always a part of me that felt like I did not belong. I made some of my favorite memories and life-long friends while in school, but the curriculum required me to be more outgoing and competitive than I naturally am. However, I knew I belonged in a creative profession and was able to incorporate my photography, so I just assumed it was just the way it was going to be. I would be tired, but fulfilled in my work if I was one of the lucky ones who was recognized for my talent.

After graduating and working in the industry a bit, I became pregnant and started preparing for the adventure of motherhood. Around this time, I was driving home from work – burnt out and tired of the creative hustle – while listening to Skinny Confidential. The hosts each had their Bodygraph analyzed on air, and I didn’t know it then, but my life would change forever! 

Both of the hosts’ energy types were so fitting, I just had to see what mine was. I ran home and immediately dove into my chart and when I generated my Bodygraph I learned I was a 2/4 Projector. At first, I was alarmed by some of the language within the system, but upon reading further I realized there was no disputing it. For the first time, I felt properly seen. 

I NEEDED to know more, but at this time there were not nearly as many resources out there as are available now, so I was doing the deep dive searches to learn all I could about the system as a whole. Gathering notes from various sources, ordering books and obsessively learning all that I could, not just about my chart, but my family’s and friends’ as well. 

Elopement day :’)

I became a mother, then shortly after married the love of my life (a fellow Projector!) and I’ve never believed in divine timing more. Human Design has guided my decision making as an individual, a partner, and a parent. I believe if I had not discovered it when I did, my life would look very different today.

My Son and I

I left work and became a stay-at-home mom where I was able to study and experiment with the system into my day-to-day life, while also spending these precious early years with my son. Giving him my undivided attention has been one of the biggest blessings of this lifetime and guiding him has been one of my greatest privileges.

As I have studied rigorously in the years since, my friends and family have all encouraged me to share my insights online. I have hesitated, but am finally accepting the invitation and starting kindlyro.com! I am so excited to share my perspective of Human Design within the community (and newcomers), because it is something I am so passionate about and I believe it could make the world a better place, especially for my son’s generation.

I hope to spread awareness of the Human Design System by sharing my insights and making the information more approachable. I am just getting started, but I am PUMPED to see where we end up!

My Bodygraph. Click here to see what yours looks like :)

I am a 2/4 Self-Projected Projector – RAX of Rulership 2. I was born under a Gemini Sun + Moon, with a Taurus Rising. I’ve grown to love my charts, especially combining the information from both Astrology and Human Design. I hope you can feel the same after contemplating yours. :)

Until next time – many loves!


Ro <3


Why the Transits?


Gate 15: The Gate of Extremes – Modesty