Why the Transits?

The solar system is constantly affecting our lives, whether we are aware of it or not.

If you are reading this, you are likely familiar with Human Design on some level. If not, Human Design provides an energetic blueprint that is specific to you. It is called a Bodygraph and no two are exactly alike!

Defined Gates v. Undefined Gates

We are each born with specific points of definition and are given consistent access to each of these energies. This is essentially a toolkit custom to you, designed to help you fulfill your purpose in this lifetime. These are the areas in our chart that are colored in.

Where we are “undefined” there will be no color. It is important to note that this does not mean you are missing anything. You are whole just as you are, and will have access to these energies throughout your life. These are just areas that are subject to conditioning –– whether it be from interactions with others, animals, even the plants (😯) around us. This is why it can be beneficial to get to know your chart, as well as those of your loved ones. 

The Transits

Even when we are alone, the objects of the solar system are constantly affecting our lives. In fact, our bodygraphs are essentially screenshots of the transits the moment you were born. The planets continue to progress through the gates and impact us every moment after birth, temporarily activating each gate they pass through.

The Sun produces 70% of the neutrinos we absorb. Therefore, it has the largest energetic impact on us. Its transits last about 6 days as it travels through each of the gates every year.

I’ve chosen to focus on the Sun’s transits, but it’s important to note that our charts are impacted by each of the objects in our planetary system and each moves at a unique rate, activating different areas of our charts for different periods of time. The longer the transit, the more subject to conditioning we are since we can get used to accessing this energy, even if it is not actually defined in our charts or if we are not equipped to handle this energy consistently.

Transits Through Your Defined Gates

When we have a gate defined and the sun is transiting this gate, it’s likely that the energy will be amplified. Perhaps there will be more motivation or clarity in this area of life.

Transits Through Your Undefined Gates

When you are undefined in a gate that has been activated by a transit, suddenly you will have access to this energy. This can be a beautiful thing, but can also become confusing as it is an energy that you are not designed to permanently carry. When decisions or life events take place while this energy is activated, it can be disorienting when the energy is gone again. It can manifest as atypical behavior––sometimes you may notice it others or not at all.

The Importance of Strategy and Authority

This is why it is so important to be grounded in your Strategy and Authority. Making decisions from an aligned place can prevent getting swept away by the tides of conditioning. When you are comfortable and confident in the energy that you do have consistent access to, you can use these transit activations to your benefit. The key is to remember that you already have the tools you need to fulfill your purpose, but you can utilize these fleeting energies and learn from them while you have access to them. (Christie Inge has a great analogy for the transits, check it out here)

So, what does this mean for your chart?

This is where having access to your chart can be helpful. Whether it’s printed out, or screenshotted on your phone/computer, easy access is key. You can generate your Bodygraph here

Once you have your chart, you can see what is defined and undefined, and compare it to the current transit chart

To Sum It Up:

If you can draw awareness to the energies at play, life becomes a little easier to observe. When you are grounded in your Strategy + Authority and are aware of your inherent gifts it is easier to remain neutral. Taking things less personally and witnessing what is happening around you allows for wisdom to be gained. 

Until next time, many loves!


Ro <3


Hello! My name is Ro.