Gate 15: The Gate of Extremes – Modesty

There is room for everyone at the table. Follow your flow.

Before we get started: This is where I share my thoughts on the Human Design System. I have made it my mission to deliver the information I’ve learned in a way that is easy to digest and fun to look at, while honoring the traditional system all the while. Some of the traditional information will be included, but these posts feature my interpretations and reflections. Enjoy!

Traditional Name: The Gate of Extremes – Modesty.

Traditional Description: The quality of behavior which expresses the proper balance between the extremes.

Traditional Line Names: 1:Duty, 2:Influence, 3:Ego Inflation, 4:The Wallflower, 5:Sensitivity, 6:Self-Defense

Bodygraph Location: Identity Center reaching for the Sacral Center

Channel: The Channel of Rhythm

Tropical Zodiac Sign: Gemini/Cancer

Gene Keys (Shadow, Gift, Siddhi): Dullness, Magnetism, Fluorescence

⋆˙⟡ THE WAY I SEE IT ⟡˙⋆


With so much love for others’ natural rhythms flowing in, one must remember that our own needs are equally important to honor. It can be easier to maintain focus on our individual role in humanity when we refrain from comparison and accept that we are all designed to live differently.

By humbly embracing the distinct pulse within each of us, we each can show up uniquely and contribute to the demonstration of the many ways love exists in the world. There is room for everyone at the table.


The G-Center (the identity center) is associated with love, direction, and magnetism. Gate 15’s allure is its love of humanity which attracts extremely different kinds of people. Through humility, true connection can transpire which leads to the understanding that we each have gifts to honor and challenges to face.


15.1: Commitment to diplomacy 

It is our responsibility to remember that we all have good and bad experiences in life. Understanding this allows for empathy and self-awareness to develop, while resistance to this duty can lead to insecurity and egotism.

15.2: Impactful Authenticity

Avoid comparison in order to find the strength to accept yourself. As you experience new environments, maintaining authenticity allows you to stand out in a way that can remind the people surrounding you of how large the world is and so is the flow of life within it.

15.3: Surrender – trusting the process

If you can learn to let go of the need to control the flow, you will find it easier to remain unimpacted by the highs and lows of life. One can remain truly modest when they are not attached to outcomes.

15.4: Self-awareness as an act of love.

There is a balance that must be restored when one veers too far from their authentic self. When the awareness of being out of flow presents, it is key to accept it and return back to the self. This can prevent the extreme behaviors that keep one from returning to themself.

15.5: Attunement - the ability to sense what is needed

Rather than overcompensation or brashness, try calibrating to the circumstances and navigating challenges with a gentle hand.

15.6: Self-love is liberation

The ability to take responsibility for any personal short-comings, and prevail through the demonstration of what it looks like to love yourself in spite of them.


Hello! My name is Ro.


Gate 35: The Gate of Change – Progress